Our group of Loire valley winegrowers is 180 strong, and, just like you, we love this land of vineyards, its strength and its character, and we fly its flag with pride and passion.
We are from Anjou, Saumur, Chinon and Tours, and we craft our wines in just the same way as we forge our destinies: with passion
Our rich wine-growing tradition, handed down from one generation to the next, is one that truly respects the vines and their fruit. We are the only winegrowers producing Dumnacus Vignerons wines – a label that guarantees the quality of the grapes just as surely as it guarantees the expertise with which the wine is made.
Vignerons engagés is the only CSR (Corporate and Social Responsibility) certification available to winegrowers, and it tells you that we are fully committed to environmental conservation. Innovative, clever and occasionally pioneering too, we share the secrets of our good practice within the group, ensuring that our wine-growing techniques are increasingly dynamic and respectful of nature.
Together we do all we can to support our local area, promote our local culture, and create a powerful identity for our wines.